I am a PhD student in computational neuroscience at the University of Tübingen and Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics. I started my scientific journey as a double-major bachelor student of physics and biomedical engineering and then moved to neuroscience for my master and PhD.

My research lies at the intersection of systems and computational neuroscience. I am generally interested in understanding how animals adaptively learn to modify their behavior according to environmental demands and its underlying biological machinery. For this purpose, I develop data analysis methods and computational models (inspired by physics, machine learning and artificial intelligence approaches) to link neural dynamics to brain computation and behavior.

Recent news

Talk at Cosyne 2024 workshops

I gave a talk at Cosyne 2024 workshop on "Brain-wide modeling in the era of large-scale recordings and high resolution multi-omics" about our recent collaboration with the International Brain Laboratory studying neural timescale across the mouse brain. You can watch the recorded video from the link above.

Contributed talk at Cosyne 2024

I gave a contributed talk at Cosyne 2024 main meeting about our recent work on how different learning curricula give rise to distinct mechanisms for performing long-memory tasks. You can watch the recorded video from the link above.

Paper accepted to ICLR 2024

Our paper on curriculum learning for long-memory tasks is accepted to ICLR 2024. We found that slow timescales required for forming long memories arise from distinct mechanisms shaped by the curriculum by which RNNs learned the task.

Recent blogs